Monday, March 16, 2009

Episode 5 - Oh, My Virgin Eyes!

Thank you to Stitch It and The Manic Purl for playing my promo!

I read Fanny Hill by John Cleland, which has a long and sordid history. It falls into the ranks of mid-18th century novels such as Pamela and Clarissa by Samuel Richardson and Tom Jones by Henry Fielding. Here are some links to the censorship history of the book:

Memoirs v. Massachusetts
Roth Standard of Obscenity
Miller Standard of Obscenity

I went to see Watchmen last week. It was great, and Alan Moore is my favorite brand of crazy. I've also been watching Gossip Girl - shocking! I love it. And then there was The Manchurian Candidate, #67 on the AFI's list of 100 Greatest Films of All Time.

I forgot to mention the Bobbin's Nest soiree last week!

Some podcasts have changed feeds:
Stitch It!
Bark 'n' Knit (forgot to mention her in the podcast, but Gnat did really switch feeds!)

TheSheepGeek is holding a raffle to support her kitty's vet bills.

I finished my Limeade socks! I also worked on my Scarf #21, Girasole, Mysterious Mirror socks, and a Spiderman Blanket.

Tika can be found in the following places:
Ravelry: Tikabelle
Flickr: Tikabelle
Blogland: Largely Unrepeatable

You can also subscribe at iTunes, and please come join the Ravelry group!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Episode 4 - Another Stitches Recap

I start the podcast right by mimicking Meghan from Stitch It! Please remember what they say about imitation and flattery.

I finished Hardy's Return of the Native, and it was as awesome as 19th century literature can get. Interestingly, the end reminded me of Burgess's A Clockwork Orange. Also, I finished Julie and Julia, which was brain candy at its finest!

All this talk about British stuff reminded me that I got some great tea and an adorable teapot from San Francisco Coffee and Tea at Pier 39.

I went to Stitches! And bought lots of yarn! Here's a list of the vendors I hit up:

Lisa Souza Dyeworks
Blue Moon Fiber Arts
Pigeonroof Studios

Tess Designer Yarns
Carolina Homespun
Windy Valley Musk Ox

I also met several fans (Hi guys!::crazywave::) at the Knitmore Girls meetup and missed Dr. Gemma from Cogknitive by like 3 seconds. My friend No-Blog Rachel shopped at Brooks Farm for this yarn, which is wicked cool. I also ran into Kelly of Ceallach Dyes, who is even cooler than Rachel's yarn.

I finished both the Mismatched Relatively-Normal Socks and a cotton Dishcloth because the How Clean is Your House? ladies recommend cotton dishcloths. I'm currently working on the Scarf #21 from VLT, a Girasole by Jared Flood, and some socks; all of which require charts.

I'm spinning some Lincoln-Corriedale that is quite pretty and will one day become a naturally-colored something or other.

A huge thank-you to Aija for the gorgeous hand-carded batts! I will love them and call them... Bob.